Where Is Clipboard On iphone

Where Is Clipboard On iphone And How To Use It

The clipboard is short-term storage that will have the message, text, or image that you copy. The clipboard will be available on many devices like phones, tablets, computers, etc. In this article, you will get to know where is clipboard on iPhone.

Imagine that you have to send the same message to many people. Rather than spending the time typing it again, you can copy or cut the message, paste and send it. Have you ever thought about where the message you copy will stay temporarily until you paste it? Most of us often don’t think in detail about this, but this message is in the clipboard.

If you’re an iPhone user, your phone will also have a clipboard, but where is clipboard on iPhone? By reading this article, you will get an idea of where is clipboard on iPhone.

When copying a text, your iPhone will hold it in a short-term memory location, and you get it from that location by choosing the paste option. When you copy a different text, the previously stored text will not be available anymore. This is how the Clipboard present on your phone will work.

Imagine if you don’t have the cut, copy, and paste option. How hard and time-consuming will it be to write the same content several times repeatedly. If you are interested in knowing where is clipboard on iPhone, then continue reading the article to learn in detail.

Where Is Clipboard On iphone ?

Being an iPhone user is always excellent, not just for the brand. It also provides you with numerous features and apps. If you are trying to figure out where is clipboard on iPhone, unfortunately, you will not be able to find the clipboard application inbuilt since it is something virtual. The system storage of your iPhone will not have the clipboard. Instead, it is a virtual memory location that will temporarily hold the data you copy. If you need access to the text and edit, you can use alternative methods.

How To Edit iPhone Clipboard By Using A Shortcut ?

If you are trying a method to edit the copied text, then here’s a way to do it by creating a shortcut. On your iPhone, you will find the shortcuts application. Open it, and at the bottom, you will find the gallery option. Click on it. Now on the search bar, type “Adjust Clipboard,” and open adjust clipboard.

To create a shortcut, you must press the add shortcut button. Next, in the shortcut application itself, you will find a tab at the bottom which says “My Shortcuts” open that, and there you will find the new shortcut, which says “Adjust Clipboard.” Now you are almost done,To check whether this is working, go to a text message and copy it. Now go to adjust clipboard, and there you will find the text you have copied you can edit. Now let’s edit the text in the clipboard.

Just remove a word from the text that is present on your clipboard. Next, go to the message and paste. Surprisingly you will see that the edited text will get displayed when you paste. This way, you can access your clipboard and modify the text. You can also command Siri when you need to open “Adjust clipboard.”

What Are Other Third-Party Clipboard Managers ?

You can retrieve the text you have already copied using third-party clipboard manager apps. There are various clipboard manager apps, but all of them will not support your iPhone. Some apps like Paste 2, QuickClip, Apple Clipboard Manager, Copied, and Clip+ are a few third-party applications you can use on your iPhone.

You can go to AppStore, select the best clipboard Manager app that will be best for you, and download it. By using this application, you will be able to access the copied text and edit it. There are both paid and free applications, so check on the features, cost, and other necessary factors when choosing this application.

For example, you can use the Clip+ application, which will serve the purpose of a clipboard. This app will store the text you copy and let you edit it. Clip+ also has some advanced features. Suppose you are copying a contact number that will be present in the Clip+ app, so you can even make a phone call to that number by going to this application. This application will also support your smartwatch, which is also an advantage.

Although this application has many features, you will not be able to get it for free. Instead, it will cost $2.99 to get this application. Similarly, there are applications that will support your iPhone free of charge, for example, NextBoard, Clipboard++, Paste Clipboard Manager, and many more.

How To Use The iPhone Notes App ?

If you feel like adding a shortcut is a complicating process, and you do not want to spend on purchasing a third-party application, then there is another option through which you can retrieve the copied text. With our common knowledge, most of us might have used this method as this looks pretty user-friendly.

All you have to do is open the notes app that will be present by default in the recent iPhone. If you don’t have this, then by updating the iPhone, you will be able to get this application. Next, you must open a new note and paste the text you have copied, and now you can edit the text if needed and use it when necessary.

The main advantage of using a notes application is that you can save unlimited text, whereas the clipboard manager apps or the adjust clipboard will only have the recently copied text. Even if you switch off your phone and switch it on, the notes will have the pasted text, but the clipboard will not. Therefore, using the notes application will be simple, easy, and convenient to access and edit the copied data.

How To Delete Confidential Information From The Clipboard ?

After copying confidential data like your bank account number, password, PIN, etc., you might have to delete it from the clipboard, so how can you do this? You can go to the setting on your iPhone, click on general, and find the keyboard option. Then you can go to the clipboard and clear the content. If you are using the notes app, go to notes and delete the note where you have pasted the confidential data. If you’re using an app, the deleting process may differ according to your application.

We hope this article on where is clipboard on iPhone was helpful.

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