How to Make your Airpods a Speaker? Easy Steps!!!

If you frequently browse Instagram, tiktok or youtube, you might have already come across the popular AirPod loudspeaker hacks, which have had hundreds of thousands of views in less than four months since its publication. This inspired numerous copycat videos with similar claims to fame. So, does that actually works? Can you make your airpods a speaker? You don’t need to be more concerned if you’re one of the individuals wondering if this really helps. We are here for you with the answer. Get to the bottom of this article if you want to know, how to make your airpods a speaker. Let’s start right away.

Can you Use your AirPods as a Speaker?

Yes, theoretically, the AirPod loudspeaker trick works, but not quite as effective as some people say.

Each AirPod has its own speaker, in case you forget them without the case. However, the case also comes with a speaker of its own that will emit a stronger chime noise if you use “Find My” to locate it. The loudspeaker may also alert you when your AirPods are running low on power and starting to charge.

You may utilise this loudspeaker inside these airpods to emit a louder sound in order to work as a speaker.

The audio from your AirPods would be distorted and unpleasant, in contrast to the high-quality sound in these popular videos, even if you may use this fast method to make them play music loudly.

Simply utilising the loudspeakers on your smartphone would be preferable to turning your AirPods into a speaker.

How to Make your Airpods a Speaker?

We have shown some methods to make your airpods a speaker. One is the viral video trick that barely works; the next one is a pretty DIY trick that can make your airpod into a loudspeaker.

Many internet videos purport to show you what to do with just the case your AirPods came in to transform them into speakers. Even though this hack seems straightforward, the many techniques demonstrated in these videos may conflict with one another.

We discovered that perhaps the one approach is the most practical and efficient of the approaches we tried.  Sadly, despite our best efforts and disappointments, we are unable to even get our AirPods to upright as theirs did. We’ll spare you the hassle, then!

If you wish to reap the full rewards of this technique, we strongly advise you to check it out for yourself at leisure.

  • Take your Earbuds out of the box.
  • Put one AirPod on the contrary position, then the other.
  • Connect in the AirPod charging cable, crank up the sound and start playing.

This method might work for you, depending on your ios version or airpods model.

Secondly, here’s how you minimally transform AirPods onto loudspeakers in a quick and non-intrusive manner. In actuality, this is compatible with any set of earphones.

This technique operates by using the bottom of the disposable cup to increase the speaker’s contact area within the AirPods. As a result, the cup’s tight sheet would tremble in time with the vibrations originating from your AirPods, simulating a wider loudspeaker surface.

The audio will be stronger because this wider diaphragm can vibrate and displace more air.

What you’ll require for this is the following:

  • Sticky tape
  • 2 cups
  • Pair AirPods 
  • paper clips

Place an AirPod with each cup and secure it with tape at the base, so the speakers are in contact with the material.

Fasten the paper clips to the outer edges of the bottom of every cup to let the improvised amplifiers stand up straight.

Boost the volume, then start the music!

Where is the Speaker on AirPods?

The speakers in the airpods should be located near the round area which goes into your ear. Additionally, it is the only space available for the airpods’ speaker components since the batteries ate located in the stem area. However, Apple has not released the details or the location of the speaker’s location inside the Airpods. Since the airpods will not always be repairable or removable, it will not matter to anyone. 

How Do I Use My AirPods as a Voice Amplifier?

With iOS 12, Ios included a revolutionary capability that allows Airpods to function as an amplifier. This is necessary for people who find it challenging to listen in a noisy atmosphere. With no need for an earpiece, Airpods may act as a listening aid.

The function may also be used as a surveillance ruse when you wish to hear a discussion in a different area without being there.

You may utilise the “Live Listen” function on your apple device with iOS 12 with Airpods. The function converts the Airpods into a loudspeaker and the iPhone into a recording device.

To turn your Airpods into speakers, follow the procedures listed below.

  • Navigate to settings on your apple device.
  • Go to “Control Center” by tapping.
  • Next, select “Customise Control.”
  • Add “Hearing Control”
  • After that, hit the “Hearing” icon to get the Live Listen choice.
  • Last but not least, plug in your Earphones and press “Live Listen” to start paying attention via your device’s microphones.

How Do I Turn My AirPods Into a Microphone?

You can always use your airpods as a microphone and earphone as soon as you pair your AirPods to your apple device. Since it is their primary duty, you don’t have to bother about that. Calls, voice chats, recordings, etc. Will instantly use your AirPods as a microphone as soon as you pair it. But some third-party apps won’t recognise the Airpods and use your iPhone’s built-in microphone to record audio. So all you have to do is open the specific app’s settings, go to audio and make sure the bluetooth microphone is enabled. The process might be slightly different depending on the app you are using.


When used as a tiny speaker, AirPods are enjoyable. Who wouldn’t want more for less money? Therefore, as an obsessive AirPod fan trying to maximise your investment, we really hope that this post has aided you in making sense of the multiple videos accessible on this loudspeaker hack.

With the help of the advice provided, we believe you can now give it a go and maybe even enhance the procedure described in our interim technique. You may now listen to music loudly without needing to purchase speakers.

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